"Error: open /tmp/docker-import-123456789/repo/bin/json: no such file or directory"
I've been trying to create a minimal docker image for RHEL versions, for one of my projects. The following were the steps I followed:
a) Installed a RHEL6.5 server with 'Minimal Installation'.
b) Registered it to the local satellite.
c) Created a tar-ball of the filesystem with the command below:
[sourcecode language="bash" gutter="false"]
# tar --numeric-owner --exclude=/proc --exclude=/sys --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/var/cache
--exclude=/usr/share/doc --exclude=/tmp --exclude=/var/log -zcvf /mnt/rhel6.5-base.tar.gz /
d) Load the tar.gz image using 'docker load' (as per the man page of 'docker load')
[sourcecode language="bash" gutter="false"]
# docker load -i rhel6.5-base.tar.gz
This is where it erred with the message:
[sourcecode language="bash" gutter="false"]
2014/08/16 20:37:42 Error: open /tmp/docker-import-123456789/repo/bin/json: no such file or directory
After a bit of searching and testing, I found that 'docker load -i' doesn't work as expected. The workaround is to cat and pipe the tar.gz file, as shown below:
[sourcecode language="bash" gutter="false"]
# cat rhel6.5-base.tar.gz | docker import - rhel6/6.5
This ends up with the image showing up in 'docker images'
[sourcecode language="bash" gutter="false"]
# docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED VIRTUAL SIZE rhel6/6.1 latest 32b4b345454a About a minute ago 1.251 GB
Update: 'docker load -i