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Method Resolution Order - Object Oriented Programming

·815 words·4 mins· 0 · 0 ·
Vimal A R
Vimal A R
Still figuring it out!

_M_ethod Resolution Order or 'MRO' in short, denotes the way a programming language resolves a method or attribute. This post looks into how Method Resolution Order works, using Python.

Python supports classes inheriting from other classes. The class being inherited is called the Parent/Super class, while the class that inherits is called the Child/Sub class.

While inheriting from another class, the interpreter needs a way to resolve the methods that are being called via an instance. Hence a method resolution order is needed.

Example 0:

[code language="python"]

class A(object): def my_func(self): print("Doing this in class A")

class B(A): def my_func(self): print("Doing this in class B")

my_instance = B() my_instance.my_func() [/code]


  1. We've two classes,  class A and class B.
  2. Instantiate class B as my_instance.
  3. Call the my_func() method through the my_instance instance.

Where is the method fetched from? From class B or class A?

How does the code work?

This should be pretty obvious, the answer would be class B. But why is it being called from class B and not from class A?

Answer : The Method Resolution Order [MRO].

To understand this in depth, let's check another example:

Example 1:

[code language="python"] class A(object): def my_func(self): print("Doing this in Class A")

class B(A): pass

class C(object): def my_func(self): print("Doing this in Class C")

class D(B, C): pass

my_instance = D() my_instance.my_func() [/code]


  1. Four classes, class A, B, C, and D.
  2. Class D inherits from both B and C
  3. Class B inherits from A.
  4. Class A and C doesn't inherit from any super classes, but from the object base class due to being new-style classes.
  5. Class A and class C both have a method/function named my_func().
  6. Class D is instantiated through my_instance

If we were to call the method my_func() through the my_instance() instance, which class would it be called from? Would it be from class A or class C?

How does the code work?

This won't be as obvious as Example 0.

  1. The instance my_instance() is created from class D.
  2. Since class Dinherits from both class B and C, the python interpreter searches for the method my_func() in both of these classes.
  3. The intrepreter finds that class B inherits from class A, and class C doesn't have any super classes other than the default object class.
  4. Class A and class C both has the method named my_func(), and hence has to be called from one of these.
  5. Python follows a depth-first lookup order and hence ends up calling the method from class A.

Following the depth-first Method Resolution Order, the lookup would be in the order :

Class D -> Class B -> Class C

Let's check another example, which can be a bit more complex.

Example 2:

[code language="python"] class A(object): def my_func(self): print("Doing this in A")

class B(A): pass

class C(A): def my_func(self): print("doing this in C")

class D(B, C): pass

my_instance = D() my_instance.my_func() [/code]


  1. Four classes, class A, B, C, and D
  2. Class D inherits from both B and C
  3. Class B inherits from class A.
  4. Class C inherits from class A.
  5. Class A inherits from the default base class object.

This sort of inheritance is called the Diamond Inheritance or the Deadly Diamond of death and looks like the following:


Image courtsey :  Wikipedia

How does the code work?

Following the depth-first Method Resolution Order, the lookup would be in the order :

Class D -> Class B -> Class A -> Class C -> Class A

In order to avoid ambiguity while doing a lookup for a method where multiple classes are inherited and involved, the MRO lookup has changed slightly from Python 2.3 onwards.

It still goes for the depth-first order, but if the occurrence of a class happens multiple times in the MRO path, it removes the initial occurrence and keeps the latter.

Hence, the look up order in Example 2 becomes:

Class D -> Class B -> Class C -> Class A.

NOTE: Python provides a method for a class to lookup the Method Resolution Order. Let's recheck Example 2 using that.

[code language="python"] class A(object): def my_func(self): print("Calling this from A")

class B(A): pass

class C(A): def my_func(self): print("\nCalling this from C")

class D(B, C): pass

my_instance = D() my_instance.my_func()

print("\nPrint the Method Resolution Order") print(D.mro()) print(D.__bases__) [/code] This should print:

[code language="python"] # python /tmp/

Calling this from C

Print the Method Resolution Order class '__main__.D', class '__main__.B', class '__main__.C', class '__main__.A', type 'object'

(, ) [/code]


  1. Python follows a depth-first order for resolving methods and attributes.
  2. In case of multiple inheritances where the methods happen to occur more than once, python omits the first occurrence of a class in the Method Resolution Order.
  3. The <class>.mro()methods helps to understand the Medthod Resolution Order.
  4. The `__bases__` and `__base__` magic methods help to understand the Base/Parent classes of a Sub/Child class.




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